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A review by wordstoescape
Hooked by Emily McIntire


I really thought I’d love this book! The premise, the plot and the way the original story was twisted but I really failed to click with Wendy and James!

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the links between the original and this take on a retelling, but honestly, Wendy annoyed me in the OG and she annoyed me now.

The spice was top notch and I did enjoy James/Hook as our MMC. I feel Wendy only found her true self very late in the book and I would have preferred it much earlier on and seen her stronger and confident side for a longer period of time.

I called the big bang really early on and I should stop doing this, because it really ruins books for me sometimes as I am just anticipating the twist!

The writing was really good, descriptive and great balance of internal and external dialogue. Will read the next book in the series, just in case it was my taking on the MC’s relationship in this particular book!