A review by kaycee_k
The Vanishing Spark of Dusk by Sara Baysinger


3.5 Stars!
I have a soft spot for space books, they are ones I always enjoy. The Vanishing Spark of Dusk by Sara Baysinger is a space star-cross lovers, smashed with adventure. Lark is a strong head character, she cares this story well. Kalen, the main male lead, was a joy to read because he wears his heart on his sleeves.
I enjoyed the push and pull this story gave. The book opens with a pow, the slows down then slowly picks back up. It starts with a betrayed, space travel to a new plant, new love, reblues, family, and more. For me, there was only one major twist I didn't see coming. The book does cover the heavy topic of slavery, and I feel that Sara does a good job of talk about this topic without leaving this story, and facing the problem of it. Her style is one of my favorite things about this book, I just really enjoy her style.
Overall, it was a good space read, that surprised me with some funny scenes, and lots of adventure.

I received a NetGalley ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This doesn't in any way influence my opinion on it. So, this is a 100% honest review by me.