A review by lanamyerist
A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid


Warning: Minor spoilers ahead.

Done with my first book of the year and what a book it was indeed.

I'm going to be completely honest - I did not understand most of what was going on in the book till the real Angharad came in. But when I did grasp the plot of the book, it was amazing. Really.

“The only enemy is the sea.”

A Study in Drowning is centered around Euphemia - Effy - Sayre who has been discriminated her entire life - by her mother for being a changeling child, by the education system for being a woman and by the boys in her university for rumors they couldn't prove to be true. So when Effy gets a shot at proving her worth by redesigning the Hiraeth Manor which was the estate of her favourite author, Emrys Myrddin, she takes it up.

There's also the Fairy King, a character in Myrddin's book Angharad, who Effy had visions of long before she had even known about Myrddin.

This book was really refreshing to read, because of its unique plot. I don't know if there are other books like this but this is the first one I've read as such so it was quite interesting.

I loved seeing Effy's growth throughout the book - from worshipping Myrddin to realizing that no one truly is perfect. She went from a pawn in the game to becoming the queen of the kingdom. As she should.

Though I think my favourite part of the book was all the scenes with Preston and Effy together (I'm a sucker for romance, okay? Sue me). I don't count a book as good if it doesn't have me smiling and giggling and kicking the air at times (that's only when I know the book contains romance). Also, too much of something is never good, especially repetitive actions in a book. But Preston and Effy getting flustered at every little thing? I ATE IT UP. They had me getting flustered.

Anyway, time to convince everyone to read this book with some quotes (for those who read my reviews often, you know I love adding in quotes):

No matter where she was, Effy was always afraid she was not wanted.



Hello? I'm getting judecardan flashbacks.

"I will love you to ruination."
"Yours or mine?"

This quote is what influenced me to read the book.

"You're not just one thing. Survival is something you do, not something you are. You're brave and brilliant. You're the most real, full person I've ever met."

Get yourself a Preston Héloury <3

tell me more about who I am because I don't know anymore.

This hit hard.

"Men just say whatever they want and everyone believes them."


"I didn't know you felt anything at all when you looked at me."
"I did. I do."


"It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid to care about you, Effy."

Ugh my single heart.

"I'll do anything - just let her live."
"I'll do whatever - whatever you want from me. Just don't let him die, please don't let him die..."

Screaming crying throwing up

Her true name held so much sorrow and suffering, but it also held strength. Hope. The yearning to make the old saint's name mean something new.

Her growth>>>>>>>

"You don't have to take up a sword. Survival is bravery, too."

When I tell you I love Angharad.

"I thought you weren't a romantic."
"I wasn't,"
"Until you."


Okay that's all. I hope my next read lives up to this one.