A review by marilynw
All the Seas of the World by Guy Gavriel Kay


All the Seas of the World by Guy Gavriel Kay

The vastness of this world and it's history overwhelmed me. I now realize that there were two book before this one and I know I would have been more immersed in this world and the characters if I had read the first two books. I did like some of these characters a lot, especially Rafel and his partner Nadia/Lenia, and I am happy with their progression through the story. There were other characters I liked and many I despised and I appreciate when certain characters get their just desserts.

Another character I liked was Danio Cerra and it seems that the first book in this trilogy would tell me more about him. That's one of the reasons I think I would have benefited from reading the first two books before I read this one. For as much world building, description, and information that we get in this book, I always felt like I was missing something, that I should know more. I was overwhelmed by too much yet thinking I didn't have enough from the story. I suggest reading the first two books in this trilogy, before you read this one, to get the full story. For all that we go through, as we read the story, and for all the characters go through, I really liked the ending of this story. That is the kind of thing I wanted more of, the characters, without being overwhelmed by the world.

Published May 17th 2022

Thank you to Berkley and NetGalley for this ARC.