A review by confused_hamburger
The Monster War by Alan Gratz


While reading this, I realised something about Alan Gratz as an author. I do not like his writing style, but his ideas are good and interesting. This is clear from this book, as I at first did not like it, but I ended up liking it at the end, when the ideas had progressed and had been explored thoroughly. I honestly wanted a sequel to be written after I had finished the book, and this does not often happen with me with finished series, as I have other books to get to.
Martine's character I at first found annoying, as she was your stereotypical genius character who doesn't know how to interact in society (eg. Sherlcok Holmes from "Sherlock"). Then, at the end of the book, I was fine with her.
In conclusion, this is a pretty good book and Alan Gratz has interesting ideas, but he doesn't have a writing style that I personally enjoy, so I don't see myself picking up any more of his books in the near future.