A review by suzyq436
A Question of Us by Mary Jayne Baker


I adored this book! Reasons why I loved this book:

- I live in England and I love books that take place here as I can relate to so much of the scenery, mannerisms, quirks and most importantly - pub quizzes.

-Slow burn romance to the max! Heck, it took these two forever to finally end up together but when they did it was so sweet and beautiful. The depth of their romance is backed up by a great retelling of their friendship via storytelling, jokes, memories or games.

-I loved the protagonist, Clarrie, as she is a rough-around-the-edges type of gal, a tomboy who doesn't have a filter, down to earth and can definitely hold her own amongst a group of dudes. She is real in the sense that she is completely relatable. Just a late-twenties gal struggling with issues that most of us struggle with in our twenties. It was quite a refreshing take on the role of the protagonist.

-I adored the story of friendship in this book. The kinship of the various friendships as well as the tight-knit community made my heart swell.

A lighthearted read with lots of laughs and many awww moments.