A review by timitra
Sovereign by Celia Aaron


Rated 4.5 Stars

I'm not ashamed at the rate in which I devoured this book, I read the entire thing in one sitting. I really and truly could not bear to put it down because I needed to know what would happen next and how it would all end.

While I found the ending quite fitting and satisfying there was one question I needed an answer for, it wasn't anything big but I would've liked an explanation all the same.

All in all it was a great read filled with some unexpected moments, some dirty sex and some emotional moments. Kudos to the author for creating a book/series that kept my eyes glued to the page.

This author has become one of my favourites solely off of this series and I cannot wait to see what else she has in store for us readers.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review