A review by joeri81
Revenge by Martina Cole


Michael Flynn is the don in the organized crime world in London. As a young guy he got himself into crime and got himself noticed by Patrick Costello, the former don. Patrick Costello made sure Michael was properly trained so he was ready to steadily take on larger tasks. Once Costello died it was the logical step for Michael to follow into his footsteps. In that position nobody dares challenge Michael ... and then, his daughter disappears.

At this point the story is being picked up. It is becoming quickly clear that it’s a disturbing disappearance and Michael pulls out all his resources to find his daughter. What follows next is the story about Michael. How he became the big shot in the crime world, what he had to do for it and which enemies he made during his road to success. During the story several candidates are provided who could all have had a motive to hurt Michael and his family.
Martina Cole has a fluid writing style and so the book reads quick and easy. What did bother me however is that a lot of events reoccur. Martina Cole really exaggerates in repeating a lot of stuff. The only goal would be to highlight certain events. It however annoyed me a lot as reader and it does the story more bad then good. The story also lacks some creativity. The kidnapping happens, possible suspects are provided and in the end, one of them turns out to be the culprit. For me there never actually was more than one suspect. In the end my assumption turned out to be correct. So no unexpected twists and turns in this book. I did hope for them, but the more I read, the less I thought it possible.
The characters were distinct enough but I never really cared for them. They aren’t really sympathetic and some are even plain annoying.

I can’t really recommend this book. I wouldn’t say it was a total waste of time, but I can’t say that it was pleasant read either. The story just isn’t very exciting; it’s most a recollection of events. Maybe Martina Cole provided better work in the past, but with Revenge I’m not convinced to pick up any other work from her (4/10).