A review by tommyhousworth
Life Reimagined: The Science, Art, and Opportunity of Midlife by Barbara Bradley Hagerty


This was truly the right book at the right time, saying all the right things. Hagerty has thought (and researched) thoroughly about midlife, approaching it from the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual aspects. From our sudden overly-fueled desire to volunteer to the frustrating occasional lapse in our synapses, she speaks to the many challenges faced by those who fall in that grey and often dissatisfying demographic of 40-ish to 60-ish. If you find you're longing for meaning, change, stability, the chance to contribute, and the possibility to pursue passions long marginalized, I think this book may offer wisdom and solace.

Hagerty is practical, but appropriately idealistic. Inspiring, but grounded in the realities of the malaise and fears of life at this surreal crossroad known as middle age, when one's parents and children are looking to them for support, when one is apt to start to feel a little less sharp, a little more obsolete, and a little bewildered by what appear to be a lack of choices. Hagerty does a wonderful job of showing us the possibilities, and even illuminating some of the pathways to get there.

I plan to spread the word about this one. And I plan to revisit it often for inspiration as changes, challenges, and opportunities are navigated.