A review by bookmonkey98
Immortal Hulk Vol. 5: Breaker of Worlds by Al Ewing

So here it is. This is the big transition to the next phase. I think. specifically the last issue in this volume. And it is weird, and yet I think you can get the gist of most of it. The ending... well it has me excited. I kind of wish I was still reading single issues so I could get the story faster. But I will wait.

I want to dig into something that I have read in other reviews of this run. The first 5 issues essentially seemed to go back to old form comic books, with a single story told in each issue, instead of the normal decompressed stories across a TPB that you usually see today. It seemed fun and the little horror stories with varying structures being told were great. Then the next trade moves into multi issue stories, but it connects to information doled out in the first trade. And it uses more extensive Marvel Comics lore. I mean really some of the lore was in the first 5 issues too, but the casual reader wouldn't see it as much. The farther you read, the more you see that it is all one big story. And I mean BIG. And it definitely uses the history, and it definitely helps to know all the characters and what has happened to them. But I will say this: I knew a good deal of the referenced history, but not all of it. And I was able to pick up what I didn't know from the contents of these comics. I'm not sure if all of the content required is there, but I feel like most of it is.

The story stays horrific and the tone is incredible and the art is disgusting. I really think it is worth getting past some irritation over the fact that it is no longer single issue stories. The twists and turns and shocks are too good to miss over a little detail like that.