A review by chocoholicwriter
Switching Wesley by Aimee Brissay


I'm not entirely sure how to rate this book... It was recommended to me and maybe that set an expectation that simply wasn't fulfilled.
At the midway point I might have given 3 stars, by the end I think I'm left with 2...

This book is set in the BDSM world, yet it is not really about BDSM. There are a handful of nice descriptions of rope bondage, but they are never more than half a paragraph at a time and that's all you get from a scene... everything is glossed over

Wesley has a crisis moment when he has to come to new terms with himself and it's kind of a critical moment but it's done in like less than three pages and needed way more depth.

I like the characters and the premise a lot. There's a lot of potential here but not nearly enough time spent delving into anything.

Slight spoiler alert ***
They have their first date and Connor says no to sex on the basis of wanting to get to know Wesley better first.
On date two they don't even get to eat before they are all over each other and rushing back home.
That made no sense to me.

Also Connor says himself that Wesley's coming back from crisis happened to quickly and easily. Yet they still do not talk about it and it's not actually addressed in any way beyond that. Then nothing happens or changes. They just get on with life.

The entire book feels quite rushed. I would have liked to see the characters really delving in and dealing with their emotions rather than everything being glossed over.
The second half of the book also changes tone in a way that made me lose connection with the characters a bit. It just didn't seem to fit with the build up.

There's next to no dialogue tags either (and it doesn't need to be 'he said') so I spent a lot of time being confused about who is talking.

Spelling mistakes are hard to catch but the book could do with another proofread. There's an actually a line of crossed out text and I don't think that's purpose...

So overall I guess I'm giving 2 stars for potential and premise and the characters themselves.