A review by dustilane
Burning Kingdoms by Lauren DeStefano


This book started off on a good note and I immediately liked it better than the first book. The first book was just a little boring and didn’t give enough detail. Not enough world-building. This book is better than the first... however, halfway through it went downhill a bit.

Pen started irking me, with her bratty behavior and manipulative ways. Celeste became the reasonable one in my eyes, even though she was being irrational (no pun intended) and making stupid choices. And Morgan? Morgan who? She is a pushover that bores me to tears. Also I have four words for you... not another love triangle.

It’s hard for me to rate this book because I enjoyed it so much up until halfway through. Then it started to get to me. But it was still overall a decent book. I will read the third book (I mean c’mon, cliffhanger..) but I am expecting more of the same. Beautifully written but lacking when it comes to world-building.

3.25/5 stars. Subject to change! Lol!