A review by yodamom
Letters to Zell by Camille Griep


Drama, backstabbing, cheating, lust, desire, broken dreams, Los Angeles and Unicorns. This was the Jerry Springer version of Fairyland. The Princesses lives are not the happy ever after the books suggested and the Fairy Godmothers don't seem to really have anything positive to give. It all spills out of their hearts in letters written to Zell aka Repunzel after she leaves Fairyland to find herself on a Unicorn reserve. The Princes are untrustworthy meat heads or codependent unfulfilled stories. Walt would not approve.

So how did I feel about it ? I hated the drama, the emotional turmoil, the heartache, the gossip, the cheating, the lack of self esteem. I avoid all the above items as much as possible and this book had them in excess. So how did I feel about the book ? Hard questions don't have easy answers ! It was all letters, disjointed and sometimes I didn't care who's letter I was reading. I had points in the books where it was just "wah wah wah, I'm so unhappy, wah wah wah, I want____ so badly, wah wah wah" I wanted to stomp on their fingers to get them to stop writing these whine-a-thon letters. It was not an easy book for me to finish. I am an emotional sponge absorbing sad broken feelings and carrying them off into the real world where I gloat and glower for hours afterward. I was a heavy sodden sponge, when I finished and was thrilled to squeeze this book's drama out and take a deep breath.
So Yoda how did you like the book ? Well I didn't like it, but, (isn't there always a but) is was genius. The way the author twisted these sweet fairytales into real life made for TV drama-rama would take over the TV reality with the highest of ratings. I have to recommend it to fans of this type of drama.