A review by sarahrosebooks
Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous! by Rory Freedman, Kim Barnouin


While I didn't much care for the language in this, the book did give me something to think about. As someone who has been steadily gaining weight for some years, I've been searching for the right kind of healthy eating advice to take to heart and make a change to my lifestyle that will benefit me in the long-run. I think I will take on board some of what these two advise here, but perhaps not all of it.

The good points: making people aware of just how corrupt the world is, especially when it comes to cruelty to animals. It is truly awful what is done to animals in the US, and it has made me want to research and see if the same thing happens here in the UK. Another good point is the advice on what is good to eat and what isn't. While I'm not convinced the Vegan lifestyle is one I could adopt, I am convinced that aspartame is something I need to cut out altogether. I like the list of sources, books to read, and websites to visit, as I plan to do a lot more research into this before I decide whether the vegetarian or vegan diet is one I could adopt.

Bad points: the language, the advice to fast (something I can never agree with, having seen first hand the horrors of anorexia), the fact that the book is clearly just a way of promoting a Vegan lifestyle and telling us about the evils of the government and government sanctioned bodies that should have our best interests in mind but don't. Oh, sure, this stuff happens, but why tell us in a book that is called "Skinny Bitch" and at first glance is supposed to tell us how to lose weight. The book does tell us what to eat and not eat to get skinny, but it is more a short, sharp blast of information about the horrors of eating meat and dairy products and how little the government does to help. If the book cover and synopsis/blurb was more truthful, perhaps more people would take notice of what it has to say?