A review by its_beautifully_bookish
A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas

adventurous challenging hopeful tense


Overall Rating: 5⭐️

Format: paperback 

Favourite Quote:  “That’s the key isn’t it? To know the darkness will always remain, but how you choose to face it, handle it… that’s the important part. To not let it consume. To focus upon the good things that will you with wonder.”

Tropes: grumpy sunshine, forced proximity, fated mates, found family, self healing

How do I describe my feelings for this book? I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews on it but personally I absolutely loved it and this was my favourite out of the whole series.

I absolutely loved Nesta and Cassian and their dynamic that he saw the good in her and pulled it out and that she had good inside but she was so wrapped up in her panic and in her self loathing that she couldn’t see a way out.

I was so invested in their story. I didn’t realise how big it was but I was so invested and I enjoyed it so much that it didn’t feel as long as it probably should’ve done! 

I know there hasn’t been a new book in this series for a really long time but the ending of a quarter of silver flames is really open so I definitely think there should be another book unless the author’s got bored of this series. I’m not sure.?

I think, if you read further now into my review, I probably will leave some spoilers so this is a warning haha !

I really love the house of wind the way it connected with her and they bonded and then the precesses as well. I’d really like to see them all, out of their shells and her healing group of people and a safety net for them to walk into to hopefully overcome some of their demons or at least be able to control them. 

Clotho was a nice character I thought it was interesting. The part she played almost like she was underestimated a little bit. I can’t tell who in the series is going to be with Az I’m torn between a few precesses and obviously a few other people! 

In this book I just really enjoyed the self journey back and I really liked the way we got to see why she was acting out why she was doing what she was doing and it was because she was afraid it’s because she thought she didn’t deserve.

I thought it was a shame of the mountain in one sense that she didn’t get to be the top tier of winners but at the same time it was really magical and beautiful the way she held back so that her friends could survive and win my heart was in my throat when Cassie turned up though I was so so worried And the way he sacrificed himself again I was so panicked!

Personally, I feel like the story could lead on to follow Nesta a bit more maybe that’s just because I love her she got powers from the mother by the sounds of it when she gave them back and I feel like she could maybe become a leader a bit like Cassian because by the sounds of it war is coming so if both of them lead a legion into the war, I think that would be so kick ass!!

I think I would’ve really enjoyed a bit more about the two friends and the Illyrians after the Wright I think that would’ve been really good to watch then bow down to them and needs to be in charge something like that would’ve really ticked the boxes for me.

The bit about Feyre and Rhysand was a clever undertone in the story. I didn’t quite understand the point of it the way she couldn’t and it was dangerous and their bargain it was kind of like okay so someone gonna pass away cause if someone does?? But I feel like that ties up their story now I feel like that we could happily leave them where they are as second lead characters just floating around putting an opinions in and out but not being the lead anymore. I think they’ve had enough books!! 

I think I said before the Elaine and Lucian interested me and I wanted to see more from them I do and I don’t apparently they’re mated. I almost want them not to be because I don’t know. I feel like they don’t work very well maybe that’s because he doesn’t know who his dad is maybe that will help, but I just feel like they don’t fit very well. I did say about her being with Az and I’m still not sure what to do about that whether they still would work or whether he’s better off with a priestess.. and then Lucy, I’m not sure where the Vasa should be entertained for his can you undo the mating bond and re make with someone else?

I do think VA’s story needs to be a bit more detailed, but maybe that’ll come through in one of the next books if there is one. Overall I feel like there’s quite a few few loose ends that this author could go into as a direction and I’m not sure which way it’s going to go but I’m definitely looking forward to seeing which characters are in the next book in the series.

A five star review from me means I loved this book!! I would recommend this book to everyone, fantastic, amazing, big fan. I always have room for this on my bookshelf.