A review by marmsies
Don't Tell a Soul by Kirsten Miller


5/5 ⭐️
i devoured this book, and its story devoured me.
a feminist gothic thriller that follows a realistic struggling fmc named Bram. at the beginning of the book i was skeptical of the character and her bluntness, but as you work through the book you understand that Bram is not just being blunt to those around her, but herself as well.
the story pulls you in as you follow a small town filled with money, secrets, and dead girls that trail back to the looming manor that Bram now calls home. the characters we meet in this book are eccentric and devious, surely a bit infuriating, but i truly LOVED this book.
*CW: sexual assault (but not in a graphic unecessary way, but rather as something that characters grow & heal from)

if there is one book i have read that i can recommend, it is this one. it deserves more reviews, more love, and carries a story of anti-patriarchal belief/tradition.