A review by pensivepelican
Halloween Cupcake Murder by Carlene O'Connor


I’m a big fan of Carlene O’Connor’s work, so I was eager to read Halloween Cupcake Murder and it did not disappoint. I read her Irish Village series and the first two of her Home to Ireland series, which shares a setting with Halloween Cupcake Mystery. This story is much darker than the other two as befitting the Halloween theme. It was a suspense-filled read that teased supernatural elements. I enjoyed the character development, the pacing, and the story overall and would recommend it to anyone who enjoys cozies or stories set in Ireland. The problem for me was the other two stories, which I really couldn’t get into. It’s not that there was anything wrong with them, it’s just that the vibe of each was very different. They would each appeal to different sorts of readers. The Halloween theme wasn’t really enough for the three stories to hang together.

I received this Advanced Reader Copy of Halloween Cupcake Murder from Kensington Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.