A review by spookysoto
Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie by Anthony Del Col


Rating: Good, I liked it 😊
Recommended: If you like detective stories, are familiar with Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys.
2018’s Marvel-A-Thon: Phase II: Thor Dark World- a book with siblings.
Will I continue with the series? Probably no.

I had heard of Nancy Drew and the Hardy boys but never read the books or watch the series, so I don’t know how faithful this new rendition is.

I liked it, but it is the kind of mystery I’m not that interested in because is more about drugs and police conspiracy and crime stuff. They’re investigating the murder of Fenton Hardy, Joe and Frank’s father. Nancy’s father is involved somehow
Spoiler It appears to be a conspiracy, where both men were framed. Fenton may be a crooked cop and Drew a corrupt Lawyer, involved with a criminal organization called the syndicate. They may be innocent but that’s not clear in this volume.

I’m not a huge fan of graphic novels because to me they’re too short, and this one doesn’t end and has a lot of loose ends. I’m not that interested in the story to continue with it.

I liked the graphics and the contrast in the drawing style between the present and the flashbacks. The flashbacks are like old school comics.

I think this can be a fun and interesting series, but it wasn’t for me.