A review by mackenzievirginia
Unpresidented: A Biography of Donald Trump by Martha Brockenbrough



The information here is very well-presented. As the author references in her introduction, facts matter; and facts are what Brockenbrough presents here. While it is difficult for anything written about this man to be seen as unbiased (because his actions and personality are so odious that even a straightforward account paints him in a bad light), this book has fairly successfully achieved that label. The fact that this is designated as a young adult nonfiction title makes that factual approach even more important.
Regardless of one's feelings about Trump, this book and the information therein cannot be argued against by any reasonable person. Hopefully those who read it, especially those of a young age, will come away with an appreciation for fact-based writing, an understanding of the true nature of this man and his administration, and a desire to right its wrongs.