A review by dmsullivan
Clarity - The Complete Series by Loretta Lost


Some minor spoilers ahead --

I had read the first book in the series a couple of years back and liked it (gave it 4 stars). So when the set of 3 of books were available, I was excited to see how the story continued.

I still enjoyed the first book when I re-read it, although maybe not as much as I initially did. But I thought the concept was cool and was looking forward to seeing how Helen (and her eye sight) progressed. I also thought the storyline with Grayson was pretty terrifying. Book 1 and 2 were pretty decent, but book 3 just dragged on and I found myself skimming through the last quarter of the last book.

I wanted to like Helen more. I felt like she was a little whiny/childish at time, which I guess I would have expected differently (the "nobody could ever love me" routine gets a bit old). I hated her sister (which I think you're supposed to). I don't know how Helen trusted Liam after that 'reveal' in the third book (but also expected it, since she kept thinking how good everything was to be true) and then her not mentioning her eye sight issues -- seriously? You have these doctors at your beck and call, their work is based on helping people with her exact condition, and she just didn't want to say anything? I'm not blind, but I think if I was and I had the chance to see, I'd want to hang on to that chance as long as possible. That last scene when she was driving along the road and couldn't see b/c of her eyes/the weather, I just wanted to smack some sense into her. And how much time was spent at the end --- I understand "he's a doctor," but maybe she needs some additional medical attention and a hospital.

The next book continues the story, and while I'm not really that interested in what happens, I do enjoy stories about memory loss, so if it was free, I may give it a read (which, btw, I only knew about by reading the synopsis of the next book -- the end sort of ties things up enough for me).