A review by missprint_
Bharatanatyam in Ballet Shoes by Mahak Jain


This is a very cute one. I like that the dance class is inclusive and has male and female presenting kids and kids with different skintones (and maybe one with a slightly different weight but they might just be slouching).

I was worried how the story would go and right there with Paro as she tried to balance her two dance interests and show new friends Dana and Marco that she too knows a lot about dance. I love the way the dance teacher and Paro's mom come together to make a point and the detail with colorful accents in the art to convey dance movement is really smart.

Author's note talks about both forms of dance as well as the two actual dancers (Anna Pavlova and Rukmini Devi Arundale) who are mentioned in the story for a nice full circle moment.

I'm glad the artwork is a more detailed/cartoon style so we can really see the Bharatanatyam costume in all its glory.