A review by bookph1le
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe


100% bought this book because it's been showing up on lists of banned and/or challenged books. You try to ban 'em, I'm going to try to read 'em.

I can't say how much I appreciate this book. Kobabe so vividly depicts the turmoil of trying to pinpoint eir gender identity while battered by the forces of the world that demand people manifest their gender in certain ways. I cannot wait for culture to catch up with reality and stop looking at gender in such a binary way.

I also appreciated Kobabe's exploration of eir sexuality. This is another subject that I think deserves more attention and discussion.

I find it kind of hard to review a book like this because it's so obvious that what Kobabe went through caused em a great deal of pain and trauma. I think the best way to put it is that I am grateful to people who are willing to share such painful parts of their lives in order to help the rest of the world come to a better understanding of what they and others like them have gone through and continue to experience. Reading this book made me more empathetic and more compassionate, it helped me to learn, and it helped me to continue to reshape my thinking so that I can be a better ally and a more accepting person all around.