This started out really well. During the first third (maybe) of the book, I thought the author was doing something interesting with how she dealt with female power. Most of the women didn't use their power to attack, only to protect themselves, and they all mostly just wanted to be left alone and find safe spaces with other women. And you had men who couldn't deal with the new reality trying desperately to gain their power back. But then, as the novel progressed, more and more the message was that power corrupts no matter who you are and that the natural state of the world is that there are preys and predators and there's nothing we can do to change that, no matter who is in power at any given time. So it's almost like she's saying that patriarchy is the natural state of things. Also, this books reads like every retoric I've heard from sexist men about "the world feminists actually want". It doesn't even work as a "revenge fantasy" either, it's just bad and pessimistic. It's also super repetitive, the last half is just a succession of descriptions of women being terrible to men (and sometimes other women), but nothing much happens. I feel like this could have been an interesting exploration of gender roles and dynamics, but it completely ignores all social circumstances and just genderbends in the most superficial way possible. The author is trying to show light into how attrocious we would find things if we simply changed genders, but by ignoring all context and giving us the most superficial narrative, she completely misses the mark and ends up upholding some of the ideas she's supposedly criticizing.