A review by retiredlibrarylady
Folks, This Ain't Normal: A Farmer's Advice for Happier Hens, Healthier People, and a Better World by Joel Salatin


Salatin has many good ideas, but in this tome he really goes over the top. I believe he is so frustrated with the current state of agribusiness and other corporate entities and the obliviousness of most Americans that he can't contain himself. i started off thinking "cranky", then "crotchety" and finally, life is too short and books too many to finish this. I made it about ¾ of the way through, and just couldn't take any more.
Salatin tells his readers that we all need to be growing our own food, in our yards and on median strips and any where we can find. We need to know where all our food comes from, support only local and sustainable agriculture, refuse to eat fast food, get our children outside more, eliminate estate taxes, ...and this is just part of his agenda. Most of it I agree with, but he started to lose me in the introduction when he discussed home-schooling his children. I generally have no problem with that, but I do with his dismissal of the "institutional educational establishment", of which I was certainly a product, and member. And then about page 273 I just had enough of the politics. I agree with much of what he says, but he's very polemic, too much for me.