A review by neko_cam
Company by Max Barry


Let me get this out of the way: I loved ‘Company’. I think that everyone in the corporate world should read it, and that they would find it not only immensely relatable and entertaining, but also incredibly insightful; it is obvious that Max Barry writes from his own personal experiences.

I’ve recently landed a graduate position at a rather large company myself, and figured that this was as good a time as any to finally get around to reading ‘Company’, after having vowed to do so years ago once I finished (and loved) Max Barry’s ‘Jennifer Government’. I have a feeling that there will be a number of times in the near future when I will encounter something in the corporate world that reminds me of this novel, and that instead of having my mind shattered by the absurdity of the situation, I will simply chuckle to myself understandingly and get on with things.

Speaking of which, there were several times when I laughed aloud at the ridiculous-though-believable events and situations presented in ‘Company’. I know that legitimately funny humor can be very difficult to achieve in a book, but it exists in these pages. Other times I found the writing so insightful that I couldn’t help but note the paragraphs and passages in question for later recitation to those who I thought could appreciate it.

After how much I’ve enjoyed both ‘Company’ and ‘Jennifer Government’, I will MOST DEFINITELY be hunting down Max Barry’s other novel, ‘Syrup’, as soon as possible.