A review by 5hadow_girl
Bucket List by Dawn Cano


Let’s talk about this as the people we really are deep down inside, not the everyday face we project to strangers and coworkers. We are the readers, the writers, and the lovers of true horror – so, let’s not pretend that we don’t have a rough outline of what we would like to do in any number of different situations. We’ve watched enough CSI and Forensic Files to help us feel pretty confident about our chances of getting away with… things – even our host Bill Curtis would agree!

What would you do if you found out that your spouse was cheating on you?
What if it wasn’t a ‘just’ a one night stand, but a three month affair?
What if you found out that your lying, cheating spouse had a three month affair with someone who infected them with HIV, and they’ve lovingly shared it with you?

Mike Hickman is pondering these exact thoughts in Dawn Cano’s new short BUCKET LIST. Needless to say… Mike is pissed! He is going to make sure that his wife Emilia dies a very slow, and very painful death. He thinks “she owed me”, well… she sure is gonna pay! Like us, Mike has watched a fair amount of horror movies and read a metric fuck-ton of horror books – so he has some pretty nifty ideas in store for his loving wife. He even pulls out a recent title from one of his favorite extreme horror authors to use as a guide… this is gonna be FUN!

Our Dawn is becoming one hell of an author! Her work leans a little more towards the extreme horror side, but she is writing great books without compromising her stories for mere shock value. Another thing that I appreciate while reading Dawn’s work… whether she’s hidden something in a little quote that only a select few will ‘get’ right away, christened her characters with noteworthy names, or just taken the direct route and specifically named other authors and/or books… she ‘pays tribute’ to the people that have influenced her, and helped get her to where she is today. I think that is awesome, and it gives me a warm fuzzy <3

I cannot wait to see what else she has in store for us!

Read the full review, and join the BUCKET LIST discussion HERE. Tell us... what would you do?