A review by shannanh
On the Corner of Hope and Main: A Blessings Novel by Beverly Jenkins


Welcome back to Henry Adams, a small town founded by free African Americans. Trent July, descendent of the original founders has been the mayor for several years, but want's to pass the mantle. several people are running to take his place, , some for the betterment of the town, (including a former marine and his wife) and some for scrupulous reasons (Percy and Theo). Who will decide the future of Henry Adams. Bernadette, who bought the town (off ebay, no less) has to decide if she wants to give former beau, Mal July another chance and let him back in to her life.

I love this series, and this book doesn't disappoint. I had to truly force myself to put it down so I could sleep. To me there was just enough drama and excitement to keep me interested without going over the top. I also enjoy seeing the relationship between Bernadette and Mal. It is probably a very good idea to read several of the older books in the series so that you won't get too lost when reading this one. I would definitely read any future books in this series.