A review by zimlicious
The Girl on the Fridge by Etgar Keret



Etgar Keret is one of the authors I've come across in 2011 and instantly loved. My sister suggested I read him, and the first book of his she gave me was Kneller's Happy Campers. When she told me it was the book the movie Wristcutters was based on, I was sold.

While Kneller's Happy Campers was a tiny novel, this is a collection of his short stories. The first one called Asthma Attack is one-paragraph long. I'm mentioning this because for me, it's always way much harder to tell a story in fewer words. Keret wrote a powerful story in a few sentences, and that left me wanting more right from the beginning.

My number one favorite from the book was Crazy Glue. Others I loved were Freece, Painting, Hat Trick and The Girl on the Fridge. His stories and settings are simple, yet with the characters and the evens that unfold, they're deep and emotional. Mentioning emotional, some of them just fuck with yours. Some of them surprised me, some of them made me laugh, some of them shocked me and some just plain freaked me out. If you're looking for something out of the ordinary to read, I definitely suggest you check this book out.