A review by heather4994
Death and the Girl Next Door by Darynda Jones


If you were to compare this YA series to Darynda Jones' Adult series, I think the Adult series is better. It's funnier, sexier and all around better. But this is just the first book in the series and it did keep me glued to the pages. There is a lot of mystery surrounding Lorelei's friend Cameron and the new guy Jared. They seem to hate each other and Lorelei is stuck in the middle. It's not a love triangle, more Lorelei is the peacekeeper, or tries to be.

Lorelei has two great best friends that, while secondary characters, play a major role in the book and are full characters in their own right. Brooke and Glitch have known each other and Lorelei forever and so the three have no secrets, there is no disbelief as to what is happening to Lorelei. She has someone to share the weirdness in her life with. The relationship between the three is a breath of fresh air when normally the main character is agonizing over telling his/her best friend about their supernatural life. Brooke and Glitch never question what is going on and join in on the adventures.

Grandma and Grandpa are who Lorelei live with since her parents disappeared and again, it's refreshing to see that she has a good relationship with them. They talk and share, Lorelei respects them and they respect her. It's easy to appreciate and believe what they have between them.

I think Darynda Jones' strengths, or one of the many, lie in portraying relationships, strong bonds, between friends and family, showing that "family" has many different meanings and the value of friends. It's one of the things I love most about both of her series.

I definitely recommend the series. I'll be reading the second soon.