A review by _camk_
Shadow City by Francesca Flores


This is a hard book to rate. Did I like it? Kinda. Did it keep my attention? Sure. But did I actually enjoy it? I don't think so.

My main problem with this book is the main character, Aina. I like that she is an anti-hero; she cares for her city but she is ruthless. However, as much I like her badassery, I actually really dislike her personality itself.

The toxic relationship between Aina and Kohl is probably the most intriguing part of the story. What's interesting is how the author has Teo saying that Aina loses herself every time she goes back to Kohl, however, reading from her POV, this is never actually noticed in the 2 books. That's not saying Kohl wasn't a terrible and controlling manipulator but I think that Teo saw Aina much more of victim than she actually portrayed herself and that she needed saving from Kohl when really Aina herself did not understand how far Kohl's impact on her actually went.

There is then this weird romance plot where supposedly everyone is or at some point was attracted to Aina. For reasons unknown. It made no sense and was not needed.