A review by jwanz86
Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler



This book was written back in the early 90s and when I read this in 2009ish era, I was like "Wow, it's weird how relevant and prophetic her work is. And it's so simplistic and intriguing." In 2016 in like "Well, fuck, did see just really see the future and it's all happening?!"

Anywho, this is by far my favorite dystopian novel--and I'm a dystopaholic (not yet a thing, but one day). The author weaves in a lot of important identity themes by introducing a main character who suffers from hyper-empathy (feeling the feelings of others if she sees them experiencing it). It's kinda a sobering moment to begin to understand people on a deeper level, while surviving in a very sterile and dangerous dystopian future. Intriguing AF. Read it. You should. If you haven't--READ IT. If you've read it: READ IT AGAIN. Heck, I'm gonna start reading it right now.