A review by judythereader
Dragonheart by Todd McCaffrey


When Fiona, daughter of a Lord Holder, impresses a golden queen dragon unexpectedly, she is thrilled. At first she is so wrapped up in her dragon that she doesn't notice what is happening in the weyr around her. She is exhausted and happy and busy. When she finally emerges, she discovers there is illness spreading through the fire lizards. The Weyrs decide all Fire Lizards must be sent away. Fiona mourns the separation from her own lizard, but has her queen to comfort her.

Then dragons become ill too. And thread will be falling any day. It is a race against time to have enough healthy dragons to fight thread, and time may be just the answer they need.

I inhaled this book because it feels like Pern. Todd's style is different enough from his mother's that you know you are not reading Anne, but it still feels like Pern. Many of the complaints I have heard about Todd's books are the things I like about them. I like that he has multiple books that are set at the exact same time so that you are seeing things from multiple points of view. I like that now there is an explanation for the Fire Lizards that I can understand.

I would love more books about Pern. I wish the McCaffreys would explore letting another author or authors, play on Pern they way they have with some other series.