A review by jen286
Don't Go Baking My Heart by N.G. Peltier


I really wanted to love this book. I loved the first one, but this....not so much. Which makes me very sad. I even stopped part way through and re-read the first one to see if I still loved it as much as I did, and I did.

So Devon and Reba are opposites. He is very private, he likes his order and his lists and doesn't like mess. He is not good with small talk or people or big parties. Reba on the other hand loves parties, loves people, is super extroverted and loves bright colors. She is a rainbow to his grey tones.

I loved Devon. He really seems like he could be on the spectrum, though this was never brought up in the book. He is so sweet even if he comes off a bit too serious at all times. He does have a sense of humor, but it is subtle. I loved him so much. He made me keep reading this story.

Reba was...okay even if my main issue would have not been in the book, she still wouldn't be my favorite character, but I wouldn't hate her. It would have been fine and I would have liked this book so much more. But...she was kind of mean to Devon. Always teasing him and knowing what she is doing, knowing that some of this stuff upsets him but still picking away at him. It felt mean-spirited at times to me and that is not good. I do not like that. But my real issue? For most of the book she is trying to change Devon. Keeps thinking about how he needs to change, be a different person than who he is. She even hears his mom say he needs to change and she is all YES!! He does! Why is this an issue? Well besides the whole you shouldn't want/need to change someone to be with them? Because she HATES that everyone she has ever dated/her family things SHE needs to change. That she needs to be different. That she is not good enough just as she is. She goes from being sad and upset people think she needs to change to literally trying to change Devon. Which...you know how much it sucks! So why are you doing that to him??? Like sure try and get him outside his box some, but like I said a lot of times it felt mean-spitited to me and I hated how she was doing the same thing people did to her and she never once realized it. I couldn't stand that. If being together changes him, and you, then great. But to be so....ugh I hated how for most of the book she kept being like he must be different! So yeah, this was not the book for me. 2 stars because I loved Devon.