A review by eli_deatherage
City of the Uncommon Thief by Lynne Bertrand


This was a really weird one for me. I read this book over a year ago, and immediately gave it 3 stars. The world was interesting but the writing style was very slow, difficult to follow at times, and just didn't keep me engaged. However, as days, then weeks, then months rolled by, I found myself still thinking about aspects of the book and wishing I knew more or that there had been more depth in areas. I can fully understand why they're are so many DNF reviews, I almost put it down myself at a couple points, but I also totally get why some people gave it 5 stars. The references to Homer, Beowolf, King Arthur and more bring a sense of the epics, the runners traversing the skyscrapers' rooftops via zip lines a sense of thrill, and the dark mysterious creatures down in the streets a sense of dread and something darker at work. I stand by my rating of 3 stars, but I will strongly recommend to those who enjoy stepping out of the norm, in terms of genre and writing style, and enjoy a dystopia that brings aspects of a dark past with a darker future.