A review by bookishvice
Romeo Redeemed by Stacey Jay


Romeo truly believed he was doing Juliet a kindness when he decided to trick her into killing herself. He chose to grant her death instead of letting her live in poverty, shame, and exile with him. His actions, though wrong and evil, were born out of desperation, and he believed the friar’s lies that when Juliet died she would live a happy life in heaven. Romeo never thought Juliet’s soul would be tainted by so much anger and rage that she would never be at peace. Juliet’s pain and hate were the only feelings that reached Romeo when he couldn’t feel anymore. This is why he relished their encounters.

Now Romeo has been given a second chance at life, and maybe at love, in an alternate reality. His task is to save Ariel (the real Ariel not Juliet) from the Mercenaries. He has to do this by turning her from her dark side and making her fall in love, and he has exactly three days to do it! But this is no easy feat, as Ariel doesn’t buy his sudden change of attitude. Remember Dylan had made that bet to sleep with her? Yeah. Romeo has a lot to make up for what Dylan did, and for his own miserable soul. It also seems most of his evilness came from being a Mercenary, and now that he isn’t one his true self is revealed. New feelings surface and he doesn’t trust himself not to still be the monster he was. As flawed as he is I couldn’t help falling in love with him.

And the real Ariel couldn’t help but love him too! She starts out a bit emo and suicidal, but turns out to be a really tough chick whose a bit scary at times. Seriously. She can match Romeo’s wicked streak, and in turn the romance between them is sizzling! Romeo really is redeemed in this second book. He’s sweet, caring, loving…I mean the boy invites Ariel shopping for prom! Now that is love (lol). On a side note, I still hated Gemma with all my heart.

The whole thing about different realities, and souls traveling time and dimensions, was once again mind scrambling. For a minute things didn’t make sense like at all, but once the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together I was amazed by Stacey Jay’s work. She really has gone way beyond any simple re-telling of Romeo and Juliet. This is a dark and complicated romance that will tug at your heartstrings and take you on a spin across time and space as Romeo finds the real meaning of forgiveness in true love. Romeo Redeemed is wicked fun and sexy! This one gets the full five.

*Arc copy provided by the publisher via Netgalley*