A review by ratgrrrl
Uncanny X-Force Vol. 1: Let It Bleed by Sam Humphries


It's been a while since I read any, but I love me some X-Folx. I loved the Astonishing X-Men series that started with Whedon (fuck that guy) and all the Schism stuff, so I understand Wolverine and the new school, but the situation with everyone else was new to me, which seemed to significantly affect how flummoxed and struggling to engage.

Logan is a headmaster, so he can't be mutant back ops, but he can be their Professor X, sending Psylocke and Storm to join Puck in investigating mind control ecstacy. There's a multi-armed space ninja, a little girl in a safe, Bishop doing timey wimey stuff as he is does, there's bad(?) Stands that infect people, dream stuff, and Fantomex and Control are also in here for some reason.

X-Folx has always been a whole lotta WTF and go with it, but this is a lot and absolutely does not feel like a volume 1 of a new series that barely gives any context to anything or anyone, but then a few issues in starts telling the story through huge and boring infodumps. The script seemed like a scattershot mess mess to me that was supposed to be conveying big emotional and significant stuff, but never did I feel able to connect, and I'm someone who has become way too attached, engaged, and bawled more time than I would like to admit at comics in general, but a lot of X-Folx stuff.

Like so many comics, I imagine this must have been running alongside other series because there are jumps and  so much unexplained stuff. It just feels like whole scenes are missing and for a TPB it just makes for an incredibly jarring experience. 

The art has some moments, but it feels very Marvel house style without much flare. Some of the dream stuff is cool, but from noth a script and art style the dream stuff seems wasted. I found the whole thing extremely dull.

I know I swore off random Marvel stuff without recommendation, but I am addicted to getting stuff from the library and thought I could trust X-Folx to at least be interesting. 

(Increasingly feeling like in getting old, grumpy, and my tastes changing, so your mileage may vary)