A review by sage01
Planetary: Crossing Worlds by Warren Ellis, Jerry Ordway, Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, John Cassaday


The Batman one is pretty good. Seeing the different iterations of Batman in the same circumstances is nice. I'm not sure how I feel about Jakita flirting with him, though. On one hand, that would be an awesome pairing; on the other, this feels really OOC for her and I kind of resent her getting turned into a sex object just because it's a mainstream DC crossover.

The Authority crossover is silly and doesn't really hang together as a coherent narrative at all, which is sad because the Lovecraft joke had potential.

The JLA one is interesting as far as what an evil fascist Planetary would be like, and this Bruce is freaking AWESOME. He's a coherent whole mixture of Bruce and the Batman, all in one non-dissociative genius badass package. Diana suffers badly from Trinity Syndrome, though. And Clark is woefully underused. They claim Clark has special Kryptonian organs, which actually makes me curious. I don't remember any xenobiology canon other than the G-class star giving him powers. The rest was hand-waved.

Anyway. Wish these had been better.