A review by bridgets_books
Odriel's Heirs by Hayley Reese Chow


While I am reviewing Odriel’s Heirs as part of the 2021 BBNYA Finalist Tour, the book has been on my radar for quite a while. I adored The Gatekeeper of Pericael by Hayley Reese Chow, which I reviewed earlier. So I was prepared to enjoy this book as well.

Wrong! I was blown away by Odriel’s Heirs! The story captured my heart from the opening pages. The Dragon Heir is so very relatable with her fears and doubts. Not every magical being settles into their life as a protector with ease. Kaia’s struggles to overcome all obstacles in her path enveloped me. I longed to ease her way.

Gus, Kaia’s ragehound, stole my heart. I adore a faithful dog companion and Gus more than filled the role. I’ve had dogs in the past that spoke to me in my heart the way Gus does with Kaia. He’s an amazingly well-written character.

Klaus took me a bit longer to warm up to. I spent the first half of the book entirely unsure of how I felt about him. But in true epic fantasy fashion, he redeemed himself in my eyes.

While these were my favorite characters in the book, everyone involved in this tale played their role to perfection. Evil and good, each character is fully-defined and well-written. Whether it’s Shad the talking cat, Everard the magus, Dorinar the reluctant, Fiola the healer, or Mogens the monster, each character adds so many dimensions to the story.

The author built a fantastic world for her story to take place. I lived every scene as if I were right there watching from the sidelines. There are layers that need to be peeled away like an onion to reveal the ultimate goal of this adventurous tale.

If you are looking for an epic adventure story set in a wondrous fantasy world, Odriel’s Heirs is perfect for you. It’s easy to see how it earned a place in the final round of the competition.

As a quick final note, Idriel’s Children, book two of the series, is already published and awaiting you to continue the adventures.

I received a copy of the book for the BBNYA competition.. This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.