A review by doritobabe
A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott



A book written by Alcott prior to the release of [b:Little Women|1934|Little Women|Louisa May Alcott|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1562690475l/1934._SY75_.jpg|3244642], A Long Fatal Love Chase reads very much like one of the tales one would imagine a young, ambitious female writer would write at the time, in terms of an adventuresome story.

The story follows Rosemond Vivian, a young woman who longs for adventure and excitement away from her close, dreary home in England. One day, a dashing friend of her grandfather's - Mr. Phillip Tempest - shows up at the house and whisks her away out to sea - without her permission. The rest of Alcott's story made me feel really bad for Rosemond as it really has all the features of frightful domestic abuse and details the powerlessness of women in the 19th Century. I can't detail much more about the plot without spoilers, so read on here:

Spoiler Rosemond is conned into a false marriage where, for a year or so, she is lulled into security. She first gets tipped off to Tempest's devilishness when a page boy suddenly disappears and she suspects his murder. Following this, Rosemond attempts nothing but escape from Tempest, running from country to country and even taking refuge in a convent temporarily. She is persecuted endlessly by this man and becomes frail and wane in the novel; however, she does not lose her resolve. Eventually, Rosemond finds a safe place to hide and a new love interest. She thinks her life will be fine, until Tempest let's his selfish greed get the better of him, where he accidentally murders Rose at sea.

Honestly, the title tells it all: it's a long, fatal love chase that shows the resolve of one woman in spite of all odds.

Originally this was denied publication for being too sensational. I am not sure what that means in the 19C context, but for me, the plot was a bit too all over the place with too much happening in quick, unrealistic succession that I cannot give this higher than 3 stars. It's definitely an entertaining read, but it is quite unremarkable in spite of it's author being who she is.