A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
This Night So Dark by Meagan Spooner, Amie Kaufman


I read the first book in this series quite some time ago, got myself the other two books right after finishing it and then discovered loads of other books and didn't return to this trilogy. However, this morning I finished my book a lot earlier than expected and while scrolling through my kindle I stumbled upon this novella and decided to give it a go.

It's a short story. A really short story. Technically only one third of the page count listed is spent on the short story. The rest consists of previews of the first book, which is now totally spoiled anyway if you hadn't read it yet, and the second book. However, this novella is offered for free on retailers so I'm quite glad I could enjoy it this way.

I liked how this story kept the story structure of the first book. Our main characters were talking about this returning nightmare and in between snippets of their conversations we read what has truly happened half a year before the first book is set. As someone who can sometimes have reader anxiety, especially if I care about the characters, this storytelling is great. It makes some nice promises.

This short novella is entirely about our hero ending a hostage situation all on his own. Of course, there is some violence and there are quite some brutal moments. I quite liked though how intelligence solved the situation. The violence was only used when there was no other way to do things. But getting as many people out safely was the true priority.

I can't wait to start the second book in the series. I hope I will get to it soon!