A review by nmcannon
Captain America: Prisoner of War by Ed Brubaker


The danger of freely dive-bombing into any and all Captain America comics stocked in the local library is I read everything hopelessly out of order. So, despite having to play some catch up (Who let Bucky go back to Russia? Steve was dead, but now isn't?), PRISONER OF WAR was EXCELLENT.

Emotional and seeking redemption, Bucky is the familiar sad bi party boy from the MCU. Steve doesn't just punch his way out of problems like a superhero: he feels and struggles emotionally like any other human. Natasha is her awesome goddess self, the one whose fighting style of smooth brutality is only matched by her love of her friends. Sharon is the voice of reason in trying times, and loves and works with her big, big heart.

And yeah, I mentioned emotion and love in the above paragraph a lot because it gets skipped over way too much in the Cap comics I've read so far. So much is overly muscular men and slinky, bendy ladies kicking butt and taking names that I feel the actual human character content is ridiculously low. Stay strong, Marvel. It's okay to feel your feelings.

To end on a lighter note, I also really enjoyed the 70th anniversary comics included at the end. Steve gets a ridiculous codename, turned into a vampire, and faints like a Victorian maiden. Excellence, indeed.