A review by kanejim57
Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immaculée Ilibagiza


"How many years - how many generations - would it take before Rwanda could recover from such horror? How long for our wounded hearts to heal, for our hardened hearts to soften?... In order to help heal others, as I knew God wanted me to, I needed the perspective that only space and time could provide. I had to first heal myself to be able to assist the others:..."

This book left me both breathless and tearful. It is an amazing story of an amazing woman, who survived for 91 days in a small bathroom with seven other women to escape the brutality of a Holocaust in 1994 Rwanda.

It is a story about faith, and the intense description of the embracing and use of that faith when the voices of hate, rage, and fear were driving her toward despair and hopelessness.

It is a story about determination that sets her on a course toward healing and marking a path in which she seeks to be a change agent of hope and reconcilation.

Immaculee Ilibagiza's story is gripping and well written and what strikes me is her deep Christian faith and deep determination to not let rage and vengence win in the fate of brute evil.

You will find this book intense and emotion and description. But you will also find in this book a hope that is bound up in a faith that is embraced, tested and refined in the darkest moments of one woman's life.

I give this book a strong 5. It is a great read and one that you should read.

I believe that this book would be a valuable book for reading in classes on African History, philosophy, relgion, psychology, and ministerial training. I think that High School seniors and up would find this book a challenging and important read.

I am glad I read it.

Note: I read this book on my iPad with my Nook app and bought it for my Nook library.