A review by fictionista
Creatures of Light and Darkness by Roger Zelazny


Honestly, I would have given this two stars.

While I generally like Zelazny's storylines (they tend to all feel like chess match- Amber was a medieval chess set, this was an ancient Egyptian set), this one felt so much more muddled than the Amber series I read previously.

The female characters, rather than just being dynamic bitches, were prop pieces, at best. Which didn't give me a lot the relate to.

The world creations and general descriptions were incredible and lush, and I enjoyed several non-sequiter chapters, but by and large, I probably wouldn't read this again- unlike the Amber series.

The third star designation was for three amazing pieces of writing hidden in this otherwise standard fantasy novel.

1. There is a fantastically apathetic Last Rites given to a character. I want it said at my death bed.

2. There are characters, called the Norns, who he describes in one paragraph as essentially American. Which made me laugh audibly.

3. A chapter is devoted to a sect that worships shoes. That was hilarious.