A review by livi_bunniesandbooks
Tattered by Devney Perry


I love Devon Perry and I loved Thea and Logan‘s story
I don’t normally like actually ball at books except for sometimes at like you know the emotional climax at the end, but I was crying like throughout this book. It was like something tragic happened, but these two loved each other so much and they belong together so badly but they were bending over backwards to each other and they were miserable. Those girls were so miserable in New York and that lifestyle and I was, sobbing for them I love the character development we saw in Logan throughout this book. I loved how strong Taya was even when she was breaking her own heart. She stood up for herself because she knew she could not handle staying in New York and taking her child out of her beautiful  Cove. I would have liked to hear/see the reaction of Taya finding out her orphanage person had like kept her from finding a family and was like profiting off of it, but I also didn’t need to experience anymore of her heartache. You know what I mean the Weeknd with the family in New York was written perfectly , absolutely perfectly because 100% they would be stuck up and horrible but then they’d come through at the end and I am so happy that that scene was done justice and those characters were done well each of the side characters in this book have a meaning and a purpose, and they were written so well  Just added to the experience of loving this book. Charlie was a great kid to read. Sometimes kids are annoying or like too childish, but I really really really enjoyed her character. She was so wild in the best way and as a complete contradiction to that but meshed so well with who she was. It was awesome. Nothing about Charlie really felt forced and I loved it , I cried big tears when she called him daddy for the first time that was fucking adorable and I love the solution that the author came up with because I couldn’t see a solution in sight unless one of them gave up on their dreams ambition, but I like the way  Sure he stopped being a lawyer at the big firm but he wanted to spend more time with his children less time in the office so I think the solution they came up with was superb and I’m so happy for all of them. I am excited for book 2. I think it’s gonna have to be , Willa and Logan so that’s kind of exciting. I mention this in my notes, but I also love that Perry’s books always come with a bit of suspense just to keep it from being like regular run-of-the-mill romcom, and it fits the vibe of her writing in her characters so much more that she does it that way, because her books aren’t romcom they’re full of like real emotion and real  Characters, honestly and real genuine people that deserve a happy ending, but also we’re living through the trials and tribulations of life and I love that she adds in that little suspense moment, even though sometimes it comes out of like left field, but I really really enjoy that little extra she adds to her stories   

One more thing I almost forgot to mention I also love how this author like tries to stay away from third act break ups and in this one that just wasn’t possible that’s where the story in the characters lives were headed and that’s OK because even through all of it, she didn’t Use it as a crutch or is like a yeah they’re gonna break up and get back together. No she used it because that’s true to who they are and where their story was going and she did not rely on miscommunication at all. I love that about her characters always they are  Articulate and I always support and always root for authors who kind of like don’t get lazy with it if that makes sense 

I also loved the narrators so far I haven’t really had a Deveney Perry book with a bad narrator! I really liked both of their voices and how they obviously narrate. The man was from a not so meet cute and eight seconds to ride, and the girl was from Juniper Hill. I am so happy I started the series because I was running low on the Eden series and this one just happened to be free on audible and I am so thankful for that because I think Logan and theas story is going right up there with one of my favourites of maybe all time I loved them together and their whole family that they’re creating
This was also I think one of my first if not the first surprise baby tropes I’ve ever read, and I don’t know if they’re all like this obviously because again have never read one before I don’t think but I really liked it. I think I may have experienced a secret, but like the baby is still a baby maybe I don’t know actually I’m not entirely sure that’s true. Either whatever it doesn’t matter what matters is I thoroughly enjoyed the surprise in this one because he was excited. Sure he was shocked, but he wanted to be an excellent dad to his little peanut , and that was so heartwarming and phenomenal to read. I’m gonna have to experience more of this trope to see if I actually like the trope or if Dave Perry just produces gold no matter what she writes.