A review by loverofromance
One Dangerous Night by Cathy Maxwell


 DNF Review

I am marking this as a DNF at 55%. As I did receive this originally from Harper Collins (Avon) in exchange for a honest review, I did try to give this book a good chance. However, this heroine is a TSTL type of heroine and she was driving me bonkers. It also felt very modernistic so I think I won't be reading any more of this author moving forward for newer releases, I might read A Touch of Steele as I was also gifted an ARC of that one and the blurb doesn't sound too bad on it. I know from this book and other viewpoints from the family that this heroine was the more "feminist" one so I am hoping the other book will be good.

So what did I struggle with on this one? I actually at first really loved the premise, the banter between these two were fun and I really liked the tropes that were involved. However, the heroine was very annoying. Some of her dialogue started to really grate on my nerves, and it became quickly obvious that this book was becoming modernistic. I didn't care for how she treated the hero, like because he was a man he was beneath her and that she didn't need to be respectful as he was really to her most of the time. At first I liked the hero, but he kept apologizing for saying common sense things of the time. The heroine also takes actions in this book that honestly are so stupid lol like I am a woman, I am independent and no harm will happen to me because I say so type of heroine. Like girl....come on use your head. I also wasn't a fan for how she was so impatient and it had to be her way all the time or the highway type of mentality. I was thinking about trying to force myself to read this longer, but honestly I can't keep it with this heroine, its that or just throw my kindle against the wall in frustration. Its sad that I had to DNF a book from a favorite author however, I think this is an author that like many others, has probably been forced by the publisher to change their writing style to fit a modernistic narrative. I will be reading her backlogged books though.