A review by danielad
The Damned (La Bas) by Joris-Karl Huysmans


"'What a strange period, the Middle Ages! Of that there can be no doubt,' he continued, lighting a cigarette. 'Some people view it as a sort of utopia and for others it is without a single redeeming quality; there is nothing in between; either the nadir of ignorance and darkness, according to the twaddle put about by the atheists and university students; or a dolorous and exquisite era, as artists and religious scholars have maintained.'" (102)

As others have said in earlier reviews, this is admittedly, a difficult read. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone for simple 'casual reading'. And yet the prose is beautiful, especially the culinary descriptions. The conversations at the Carhaix's are also excellent.

"'. . . this century does not give a fig for the coming of Christ; it adulterates the supernatural and vomits over the other-worldly. How can you have hope in the future under such circumstances? How can you possibly believe that they will be clean and decent, these offspring of our fetid bourgeoisie and the vile times in which we live? Brought up in conditions such as these, what will become of them, what will life make of them?'
     'They will turn out,' replied Durtal, 'just the same as their parents. They will stuff their guts with food and evacuate their souls through their bowels.'" (264-265)