A review by geethr75
Curse of the Dark Prince by Ariana Nash


This was so intense, and I pulled an all nighter to finish it, but totally worth it. I had to stop at times and breathe because I was so afraid of what might happen next. This book and the series destroyed me, but I don't regret it.

This one starts off where the last book ends, with Vasili in Alissand's hands. Niko is chasing them, and with the help of Yasir and Liam and Adamo, they find and rescue him. Searching for answers, they go back to Bucland Manor and then to the gutted palace, but what they find there changes everything. But before they could process, they're ambushed by Elves who capture Niko and Vasili. Facing his worst nightmares, Vasili surrenders to the dark flame and escapes after killing his captors.

The rest of the book is a whirlwind of action and emotion as Niko desperately chases after Vasili in an effort to save him. But he's not the only one. Alissand has Amir and he wants Vasili as well.

Vasili and Niko's character development through the course of the series is so good. To me, that was the highlight of these books. The two of them start off as adversaries, but by the end, they're ready to do anything for each other, including dying. Or even sacrificing the other so the dark flame would not win. Vasili has lived with that curse for so long that he does everything in the awareness that he is a doomed man, but he can't resist Niko all the same. He thinks it a terrible weakness, and Niko who once hated Vasily so wholeheartedly is now ready to sacrifice the whole world if it will keep him alive.

But even the Yazdan stubbornness is no match for the power of the dark flame.

Again, the books and the series has a lot of disturbing stuff, including r**e, non consensual drug use, non consensual blood transfusion, mind control etc. But for all that, it's an enjoyable series that will keep you on the edge of your seat.