A review by imyerhero
The Big Rock Candy Mountain by Wallace Stegner


I loved this book. I’d never heard of the author – and all I’d heard about the book was a brief “just read ‘Grapes of Wrath’.” Considering I’ve never been able to get into “Grapes of Wrath” past the first 2 sections, that wasn’t encouraging. But fortunately, I loved this book. I love stories about people’s lives which don’t seem to have a specific point – a moral point even…they just tell about a lifelong journey without prettying it up at all. I cared for each and every one of the main characters in this book, and while Stegner created their lives to be tragic and painful, I felt resolution by the end. Life isn’t meant to have a specific point. It just is. Bruce could never completely understand it, and that’s what made it not completely tragic, but completely beautiful.