A review by ladydewinter
Gravitation, Band 1 by Maki Murakami


I gave the first volume three stars when I first read it, and I guess the first volume was still ok, but the whole series only deserves one star, in my opinion. It starts out funny enough, but after a while "whacky" turns into full-blown insane; the characters and their motivations are completely unintelligible and the plot is convoluted and not worth following. The relationship between Shindou and Yuki can only be called abusive and disturbing, and not in an interesting way. I only finished it because I had gotten the whole series for free and I can't recommend this at all.

(Written after reading the first volume: "This was one of the series mentioned the most when I started reading shonen ai/yaoi, so when I saw the whole thing was available in a bookswap, I didn't hesitate much. It's pretty cracky, but really funny. I would like it better if the characters looked a little older, but since it's a comedy and doesn't seem to aim to be either realistic or hot it doesn't bother me as much.")