A review by josy
Deadly Dorian by Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott


This was my favorite book of the Ward Security series.
Sure, you need to suspend disbelief because really, some things happening here are rather far-fetched and too easily resolved. Also, some behavior of the men previously introduced, namely Rowe and his team, seemed to be out of character and too convenient - modified only for the story to work.

Still, the things I didn't like in the previous book [b:Dantès Unglued|37923033|Dantès Unglued (Ward Security, #2)|Jocelynn Drake|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1515810718l/37923033._SY75_.jpg|59637291] - not feeling the connection between the MCs and too much sex ~gasps~ instead of talking to each other - were much better in this book. Yes, there was sex (and it was much more to my liking) but there were also conversations and time to get to know each other.

The attraction between the MCs was sudden - insta-lust comes to mind - and encouraged because of the pretend-boyfriend-trope but it wasn't insta-love IMO. Royce especially fought much too hard against his feelings for Marc to call it an easy and immediate HEA. In fact, he pissed me off towards the end, but fortunately, Marc called him out on his BS and made him understand that he's very well capable of making his own decisions, thank you very much. I did understand his hesitancy to open himself up again to another relationship and deep feelings because of his dark past but one scene, in particular, was cruel and unnecessary IMO.
Marc, too, battled some demons of his own - different from Royce's - but their shared painful past also gave them a connection and a better understanding of each other that, combined with their mutual attraction and compatibility in the bedroom, made for a believable HEA.

I was very surprised to learn about Lucas and Andrei's off-page
and I really hope the authors will give us this story very soon!

Overall, this was a very enjoyable book and reading it with my amazing BR partners Karen, Christelle, Simone, and Anne made it all the better. Thank you, ladies, for some very entertaining hours!